This notice relates to the publication of a: QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – UTILITIES
Excerpt from the official text.
I.1. Name and addresses
Official name : Fluxys Belgium n.v.
Postal address : Avenue des Arts 31, BE- 1040 Brussels
Contact person: Geert Vandeputte
Phone: +32 22827291
Internet address(es):
Address of the buyer profile:
II.1. Scope of the procurement
II.1.1. Title
Delivery, Installation and Maintenance of PV panel projects Reference number: Fluxys-APQ2222-F07_0
II.1.2. Main CPV code : 09331200
II.1.3. Type of contract : supplies
II.1.6. Information about lots
Division per lots: NO
II.2. Description
II.2.3. Place of performance
NUTS code(s): BE
II.2.4. Description
Fluxys is currently evaluating the installation of local photovoltaic production to cover part of its electricity consumption on large operational sites . The power to be installed will be very variable, depending on the current electrical consumption of the station, the available areas, and the constructability on these available areas. The present qualification concerns the installation of PV fields with a minimum power of 500kWp up to 6MWp (and potentially more). Applicants should be capable to provide full range of services: the detailed design of the installation, the supply of the necessary equipment, as well as all the work required for construction this type of installation, ranging from the civil engineering works required for the preparation of the site, the buildings for electrical components, the laying of the metal structures and the PV panels, the electrical works for the electrical connections (from high voltage existing connection up to the panels), the laying of the cables (HV LV) up to the fields, the commissioning, the reinstatement of the site after works, and the supervision and control of the installation. Modifications on HV ELIA or LV DNB installations is excluded from the scope. As part of this qualification, Fluxys is also looking for contractors who can subsequently do the maintenance on such installations, maintain the electrical equipment, the panels and inverters, as well as maintenance of the grounds - planting and ground cover, as well as managing specific spare parts. (The scope of services, tendering and separate contracts might be separately tendered per site). The projects envisaged are mostly to be planned at medium or high voltage (requiring the installation of transformers as part of the scope), and the voltage level will vary for each site (6KV,15KV, 36KV,.). The first project is currently planned to be connected to a 15KV network. For the time being (2022), projects are to be installed on the ground, but experience in the installation of floating solar panels, or installation on existing structures is a plus. Out of the pool of qualified candidates those with an average yearly turnover (see criterion 1 in section III 1.9) at least 2 times estimated project investment budget will be invited to tender.
IV.2.4 Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted : EN, FR, NL
VI.3. Additional information
1) Overview of documents to be providedA) Requests to participate The requests to participate shall clearly mention the candidate's full name, including the company number, VAT number, full address and legal form.Tenders or requests to participate may be submitted by a group of economic operators who will not be required to adopt a particular legal form prior to the award of the contract. A letter of consent between the members of the group should be included in the request to participate and all the information required under the contract notice should be provided for each member of the group.In the case of a joint tender, all members of the group assume joint and several liability towards Fluxys for the performance of the contract as a whole, i.e. both financial and operational liability.The operators forming a group must designate one of them as a single point of contact (SPOC) towards Fluxys for the administrative, financial and operational management of the contract.Furthermore, the operators forming a group should provide information on the role of each member of the group.After the award, Fluxys will sign the contract either with all members of the group, or with the SPOC on behalf of all members of the group, authorised by the other members via powers of attorney.B) Requested annexes to prove compliance with selection criteria as per III.1.9) Qualification for the systemIn order to prove its economic, financial, technical or professional capacity, an economic operator may rely on the capacity of other entities, whatever the legal nature of the link between itself and those entities. The economic operator must prove to Fluxys that the necessary resources will be available to it, by delivering a written undertaking by the other entity to that effect.When filled in, PDF of the request to participate and all requested annexes shall be uploaded on the Fluxys Sourcing Invitation Platform (as specified under I.3) Communication).Each candidate will have to request via the contact person as per I.1) access to the appropriate protected folder on this platform. New candidates to the platform will also receive their password and instructions for access.
VI.4 Procedures for review
VI.4.1 Review body
President of the Court of First instance of Brussels
Rue des Quatre Bras 13, BE- 1000 Brussels
VI.5 Date of dispatch of this notice