Fluxys Belgium N.v.

Maintenance and service contract for the technical installations of FLUXYS BELGIUM at its headquarters, located Avenue des Arts 31, 1040 Brussels, and at the CGB site located at Boulevard Industriel 17, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht).

This notice relates to the publication of a:   CONTRACT NOTICE – UTILITIES  
Excerpt from the official text.


I.1. Name and addresses

Official name :  Fluxys Belgium n.v.
Postal address :  Avenue des Arts 31, BE- 1040  Brussels
Contact person:  Gregory Wattiez
Phone:   +32 22822846
E-mail:   gregory.wattiez@fluxys.com
Internet address(es):   http://www.fluxys.com  
Address of the buyer profile:   https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/preViewNotice.do?noticeId=447075


II.1. Scope of the procurement

II.1.1. Title
Maintenance and service contract for the technical installations of FLUXYS BELGIUM at its headquarters, located Avenue des Arts 31, 1040 Brussels, and at the CGB site located at Boulevard Industriel 17, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht).  
Reference number:   Fluxys-CEAPN2215-F05_0
II.1.2. Main CPV code :  50700000
II.1.3. Type of contract :  services
II.1.4. Short description
FLUXYS BELGIUM is planning to conclude a maintenance and service contract (Management — Monitoring— Maintenance — Major and minor repairs), with a work programme, for the technical installations at its headquarters, located at Avenue des Arts 31 in 1040 Brussels, and at the CGB site located at Boulevard Industriel 17, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)
The contract will cover more than 1 000 workstations and 20 000 m² of office space.
II.1.6. Information about lots
Division per lots:   NO

II.2. Description

II.2.3. Place of performance
NUTS code(s):   BE
II.2.4. Description
FLUXYS BELGIUM is planning to conclude a maintenance and service contract (Management — Monitoring— Maintenance — Major and minor repairs), with a work programme, for the technical installations at its headquarters, located at Avenue des Arts 31 in 1040 Brussels, and at the CGB site located at Boulevard Industriel 17, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)   The contract will cover more than 1 000 workstations and 20 000 m² of office space.  
II.2.7. Duration
60   month(s)
Renewal possible:   NO


III.1. Conditions for participation

III.1.2 Economic and financial standing
List and brief description of selection criteria:
The candidate must have the necessary economic and financial standing to perform the contract. 1) Proof of the candidate's economic and financial standing may be furnished by one or more of the following references:- the presentation of financial statements or extracts from the financial statements, where publication of financial statements is required under the law of the country in which the economic operator is established;- a statement of the economic operator's overall turnover of the last three financial years available, depending on the date on which the undertaking was set up or the economic operator started trading.2) The candidate must also provide evidence of relevant professional risk indemnity insurance.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
1) The candidate must have an average yearly turnover of at least EUR 2.000.000. This criterion applies to the candidate as a whole, i.e. through the combined capacity of all members of the group in case of a group of economic operators.
In addition, the following financial ratio’s shall be met:
• Current ratio (i.e. current assets divided by current liabilities) must be above 1.0;
• Solvency ratio (i.e. equity divided by total assets) must be above 15%.
This criterion applies to each member of the group in case of a group of economic operators.
The candidate will provide a bank guarantee at first request [if ratio is insufficient (5% of the total contract amount, increased at sole discretion of contracting entity if economical situation is requesting for it)].
2) The relevant professional risk indemnity insurance must have a minimum coverage of EUR 1.250.000.

III.1.3 Technical and professional ability
List and brief description of selection criteria:
The candidate must have the necessary technical and professional ability to perform the contract. Proof of the candidate's ability must be furnished by the following means (in case of a joint tender, the combined capacity of all members is taken into account):Criterion 1: demonstrate that it has successful experience in Europe as main contractor in the execution of at least 3 services contracts of a nature, budget and complexity comparable to the proposed Scope of Work within the last 5 years.Criterion 2: provide (Belgian) VCA certificate (or equivalent). In this respect, the certificate, the delivery date and the institution granting the certificate shall be indicated.Criterion 3: provide evidence of its experience with a quality and security plan for similar works and in existing facilities. In particular, applicants preferably have a ISO 9000 or at least a quality management system satisfying the essential elements of ISO9001. In this respect, the certificate, the delivery date and the institution granting the certificate, shall be indicated. Applicants without ISO 9000 certificate have to prove that the follow-up and the conducting of subcontractors and suppliers are determined in a quality system compliant with applicable conditions of ISO 9001. For Joint Ventures, the certificate holder must master the project quality system. The quality system must be applicable on site also.Criterion 4: prove of experience or knowledge of the of environmental criteria applicable in Belgium and more specific in the concerned region. Companies with a ISO 14001:2004 certificate shall be given preference to.Criterion 5: declare to respect the local legal frames (ARAB/CODEX - General rules on safety at work, AREI - General rules on electric facilities, VLAREM, ATEX, .).Criterion 6: provide a copy of the applicant's HSE policy, as well as its detailed incident procedure (and related forms).Criterion 7: provide accident statistics and methodology to avoid accident for the past 3 years Criteria 8: prove that all the key project functions are performed by applicant's own personnel. Key project functions include a.o. project manager, responsible for quality, for security, environment, European welding engineer, head of project, site supervisor.

Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
Criterion 1: minimum 3 references related to MAINTENANCE for a minimum value of EUR 1.000.000 EUR each.
Criterion 2: VCA certificate (or equivalent) certification or equivalent
Criterion 3: ISO 9000 or 9001:2008 [or other ISO standard related to supply chain management] certification or equivalent
Criterion 4: ISO 14001:2015 certification or equivalent.
Criterion 5: declaration of respect the local legal frames (ARAB/CODEX - General rules on safety at work, AREI - General rules on electric facilities, VLAREM, ATEX, .).
Criterion 6: copy of the applicant's HSE policy, as well as its detailed incident procedure (and related forms).
Criterion 7: accident statistics report with those infos (frequency / grade of seriousness / detection of the reason for the accident /measures put in place to avoid this risk in the future), and anexplanation of the methodology to avoid accident after the past 3 years
Criteria 8: For each key position the applicant will supply information on a first choice, suitably qualified candidate and a back-up/alternate as specified hereafter: Position | Total Work Experience (years) | In Similar Works Experience (years) ( or CV's to be joined).


IV.1.3 Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement: YES
Framework agreement with a single operator

IV.1.4 Information about reduction of the number of solutions or tenders during negotiation or dialogue
Recourse to staged procedure to gradually reduce the number of solutions to be discussed or tenders to be negotiated: YES

IV.1.8 Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by GPA:   NO

IV.2.2 Due date for receipt of expressions of interest   2022-08-30  14:00
IV.2.3 Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4 Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted :   EN


VI.3. Additional information
When filled in, PDF of the request to participate and all requested annexes shall be uploaded on the Fluxys Sourcing Invitation Platform (as specified under I.3) Communication).Each candidate will have to request via the contact person as per I.1) access to the appropriate protected folder on this platform. New candidates to the platform will also receive their password and instructions for access. The requests to participate shall clearly mention the candidate's full name, including the company number, VAT number, full address and legal form.Requests to participate must be structured as follows:1. Name of Bidder2. Legal form of company3. Date of registration4. Country of registration5. Registration number6. VAT number7. Registered address of company8. Person(s) authorized to sign contracts (together or alone) on behalf of the company [Surname, forename, title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Ms), function (e.g. Manager.) ]9. Contact person: [Surname, forename, title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Ms), function (e.g. Manager.), phone number, address, e-mail]10. Requested information about each above-mentioned selection criterium.[…]

VI.4 Procedures for review

VI.4.1 Review body
President of the Court of First instance of Brussels
Rue des Quatre Bras 13,  BE- 1000  Brussels

VI.4.2 Body responsible for mediation procedures
President of the Court of First instance of Brussels
Rue des Quatre Bras 13,  BE- 1000  Brussels

VI.4.4 Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
President of the Court of First instance of Brussels
Rue des Quatre Bras 13,  BE- 1000  Brussels

VI.5 Date of dispatch of this notice

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