Fluxys Lng

Capacity Increase project - Qualification of piping & mechanical contactors.

This notice relates to the publication of a:  QUALIFICATION SYSTEM - UTILITIES 
Excerpt from the official text.


I.1. Name and addresses

Official name: Fluxys LNG
Postal address: Guimardstraat 4,BE-1040 Brussel
Contact person: Patrick Degroote
Phone: +32 22826752
E-mail: patrick.degroote@fluxys.com
Internet address(es): http://www.fluxys.com http://www.fluxys.com


II.1. Scope of the procurement

II.1.1. Title
Capacity Increase project - Qualification of piping & mechanical contactors. 
Reference number: Fluxys LNG-CEAPQ2015-F07_0
II.1.2. Main CPV code: 45231100KA06
II.1.3. Type of contract: works
II.1.6. Information about lots
Division per lots: NO

II.2. Description

II.2.3. Place of performance
NUTS code(s): BE251
Main place of performance: Zeebrugge - Belgium
II.2.4. Description
Fluxys is developing the preliminary works for a Project at its LNG Terminal at Zeebrugge. Fluxys LNG intends to enhance and increase its send-out installations (Open Rack Vaporizers with Back-Up Heating, HP LNG Pumps, Seawater Pumps, etc.) with all ancillary installations in order to: (i) create additional firm commercial capacity; (ii) 'green' its regas capacities (reducing use of natural gas, reducing CO2, etc.). Furthermore, Fluxys LNG wants to incorporate new Truck Loading Bays, which can be operated in (un)manned (automatic) mode, into the Project. The scope of Work, for which we do seek a contractor, shall comprise of: - Piping Prefabrication and on-site erection works incl. transport from prefab workshop to site, incl. all associated works (e.g. galvanization and painting of piping, installation of supports, .). - Mechanical Equipment Erection  - Steel Structure supply and on-site erection works, incl. all associated works, e.g. galvanization and painting . - Insulation (Optional)  The main estimated quantities for the Piping and Mechanical Works to be included in this Contract are the following:   Piping Prefabrication and Erection Works Summary:  o Piping Diameter: Max 16" - Min 1/2". ( Average Diameter - 6")  o Piping Quality: 90% Stainless Steel - 10% Carbon Steel  o Piping Prefabrication: 16.800 inches  o Piping Erection: 11.200 inches  o Cryogenic Valves: 350 Units  o Non Cryogenic Valves: 150 Units  (See Attachment 1: Piping Survey for specific questions of the resources that your Company is able to provide for the Project)   Mechanical Equipment Erection of:  o Open Rack Vaporizer 3 Units  o High Pressure Pumps 3 Units  o Soft Water Heaters 3 units  o Sea Water Pumps 4 Units (3 Units to be installed and 1 Unit to be stored and preserved at Fluxys Warehouse)  o Horizontal Centrifugal Water Pumps 8 Units  o Modification in Chlorination Systems 1 Unit  o Rain Water Drain Pumps 4 Units (2 Units to be installed and 2 Units to be stored and preserved at Fluxys Warehouse)  o Cryogenic Pressure Vessel 1 Unit  o Cryogenic Hoses 8 Units  o Sea Water Filters 4 Units   Steel Structure Supply, Fabrication and Erection:  o Extra Heavy Steel Structure (weight >91 Kg/m) : 44 Tons  o Heavy Steel Structure (weight between 61- 90Kg/m): 40 Tons  o Medium Steel Structure (weight between 31- 60Kg/m): 90 Tons  o Light Steel Structure (weight <30 Kg/m): 90 Tons   Insulation Piping Works (Optional).  The present Project Schedule indicates the commencement of issuance of the Tendering Process in February 2021, and awarding contract in Q3 2021.  Key Milestones are:   Piping Prefabrication Start: March 2022   Piping Prefabrication Finish: October 2022   Piping Erection Start: July 2022   Mechanical Completion: February 2023  
II.2.7. Duration
Start (dd/mm/yyyy): 2021-01-01
End (dd/mm/yyyy): 2021-12-31



IV.2.4 Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:  EN, FR, NL


VI.3. Additional information
The request to participate and its annexes have to be uploaded by the candidate on the Fluxys Sourcing Invitation Platform (as specified under I.3) Communication).Each candidate will have to request via the contact person as per I access to the appropriate protected folder on this Sourcing Invitation Platform. New candidates to this platform will also receive their password and instructions for access.From receipt of the request to participate until execution of the contract Fluxys Belgium may ask tenderers and candidates at any moment during the procedure to submit all or part of the supporting documents as requested in this contract notice. In any event, prior to awarding the contract, Fluxys Belgium will require the bidder to which it has decided to award the contract to submit up-to-date supporting documents.The requests to participate shall clearly mention the candidate's full name, including the company number, VAT number, full address and legal form.Requests to participate must be structured as follows:1. Name of Bidder 2. Legal form of company 3. Date of registration 4. Country of registration 5. Registration number 6. VAT number 7. Registered address of company 8. Person(s) authorised to sign contracts (together or alone) on behalf of the company[Surname, forename, title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Ms), function (e.g. Manager.) ]9. Contact person for this Bid:[Surname, forename, title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Ms), function (e.g. Manager.) Telephone number, fax number, address, e-mail]10. European Standard Procurement Document (ESPD)11. Requested information about each abovementioned selection criterium.The candidates must fill in the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) at the following address: https://dume.publicprocurement.be/The following parts and questions of the ESPD must be answered:- Part I (Information concerning the procurement procedure and the contracting entity);- Part II (Information concerning the economic operator);- Part III (Exclusion grounds);- Part IV (Selection criteria): economic operators will use Part IV, a, regarding the global indication for all selection criteria, whereby Fluxys shall verify, on the basis of the supporting documentation and information requested under section III, whether the economic operators meet the selection criteria as laid down under section III of this Contract Notice;- Part VI (Concluding statements).When filled in, the ESPD should be sent to Fluxys together with the request to participate.Where the economic operator relies on the capacities of other entities in order to prove its economic, financial, technical or professional capacity, it must also provide the ESPD in respect of such entities.Fluxys may ask tenderers and candidates at any moment during the procedure to submit all or part of the supporting documents. In any event, before awarding the contract, Fluxys will require the tenderer to which it has decided to award the contract to submit up-to-date supporting documents.The supporting documents that the tenderers and candidates must be able to provide upon request and without delay are the documents to be provided under section III of this contract notice.The European Commission's FAQ on the ESPD is available at the following address: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/17242/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native.When filled in, PDF of the ESPD together all requested annexes shall be uploaded on the Fluxys Sourcing Invitation Platform (as specified under I.3) Communication).Each candidate will have to request via the contact person as per I.1) access to the appropriate protected folder on this platform. New candidates to the platform will also receive their password and instructions for access.For the information of Fluxys only, please fill in the Attachment 1 form with indicative figures for the project.For your information: The present Project Schedule indicates the commencement of issuance of the Tendering Process in February 2021, and awarding contract in Q3/2021. To participate to this scope of work, qualification files should be uploaded before 30/01/2021.

VI.4 Procedures for review

VI.4.1 Review body
President of the Court of First instance of Brussels
Rue des Quatre Bras 13, BE-1000 Brussels

VI.5 Date of dispatch of this notice

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