Norther Nv

Service and Maintenance of Balance of Plant - Mechanical Services for Norther Offshore Wind Farm

This notice relates to the publication of a:  CONTRACT NOTICE - UTILITIES 
Excerpt from the official text.


I.1. Name and addresses

Official name: Norther NV
Postal address: Esplanadestraat 14,BE-8400 Oostende
Contact person: Bram De Baere
Internet address(es):


II.1. Scope of the procurement

II.1.1. Title
Service and Maintenance of Balance of Plant - Mechanical Services for Norther Offshore Wind Farm 
Reference number: NORTHER -NRT-PRD-BOP-TND-0008-F05_0
II.1.2. Main CPV code: 76520000
II.1.3. Type of contract: services
II.1.4. Short description
This is a contract for services and maintenance, and more in particular for mechanical services of the Balance of Plant of the Norther Offshore Wind Farm, for a prefixed period of five years.
II.1.6. Information about lots
Division per lots: NO

II.2. Description

II.2.3. Place of performance
NUTS code(s): BE255
Main place of performance: Norther NV is operating a new offshore wind farm off the Belgium coast and located partly in the Belgian territorial waters and partly on the Belgian continental shelf / in the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (the "Project").The scope of services of the present procurement encompasses the 5-year service and maintenance - Mechanical services, part of the Balance of Plant of the Norther Offshore Wind Farm. The Norther OHVS is located approximately twenty-five kilometre (25 km) of the port of Zeebrugge. The exact location is given in the selection guidelines.
II.2.4. Description
Norther NV (hereafter "Norther") is a special purpose company which is operating a new offshore wind farm off the Belgium coast and located partly in the Belgian territorial waters and partly on the Belgian continental shelf / in the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (the "Project"). The scope of services of the present procurement encompasses the 5-year service and maintenance - Mechanical services, part of the Balance of Plant of the Norther Offshore Wind Farm.  The Norther OHVS is located approximately twenty-five kilometre (25 km) of the port of Zeebrugge. The exact location is given in the selection guidelines. The scope of services will comprise out of (without limitation):  Troubleshooting when equipment or functionality of systems fails;   Unscheduled corrective maintenance (inspection and repair);  Scheduled inspections and maintenance;  Statutory inspections.  The foundations consist out of the following sub-systems (equipment), without limitation: o Bolts monopile-transition flange (MP-TP) inspection and if deemed necessary tensioning; o Overall bolts inspection and tensioning (including OHVS topside); o Paint, grating & weld inspection and repair (including OHVS topside); o Cleaning campaigns (including OHVS topside); o Latchways and tether line (only on OHVS TP); o Avanti fall protection system (on all foundations); o ICCP system (External and internal anodes, control equipment); o Lighting systems; o Transits in the in the TP/MP; o Small mechanical works. During the award phase of the tender procedure, amongst others, the time needed to organise and mobilise an intervention will be evaluated as well as the flexibility of the Candidate when confronted with bad weather. Local response time will be seen as an advantage. 
II.2.7. Duration
60 month(s)
Renewal possible: NO


III.1. Conditions for participation


IV.1.8 Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by GPA: YES

IV.2.2 Due date for receipt of expressions of interest 2020-08-21 11:00
IV.2.4 Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:  EN


VI.3. Additional information
Norther refers to the selection guidelines for more information regarding this procurement procedure (i.a. selection and shortlisting). The selection guidelines can be downloaded for free from the e-notification platform. The request to participate must be submitted electronically using the e-Tendering platform (cf. parapgraph 2.3.3 of the selection guidelines).

VI.4 Procedures for review

VI.4.1 Review body
(President of) the Company Court of Ghent, Ostend devision
Canadaplein, BE-8400 Ostend
Internet address(es):

VI.4.4 Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Norther NV
Esplanadestraat 14, BE-8400 Ostend

VI.5 Date of dispatch of this notice

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