Elia Asset

OSY Platform SCADA (MOG)

Le présent avis a trait à la publication d'un:   AVIS DE MARCHÉ - SECTEURS SPÉCIAUX  
Extrait du texte officiel.


I.1. Nom et adresses

Nom officiel :  Elia Asset
Adresse postale :  boulevard de l'Empereur 20 ,BE -1000   Bruxelles
Point de contact:   Thibault Dessein
Tél:   +32 23822206
Courriel:   thibault.dessein@externel.be
Adresse(s) internet:   www.elia.be   https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/preViewNotice.do?noticeId=280476


II.1. Étendue du marché

II.1.1. Intitulé
OSY Platform SCADA (MOG)  
Numéro de référence:   Elia Asset-2017/S 134-275302-F05_0
II.1.2. Code CPV principal :  42961200
II.1.3. Type de marché :  fournitures
II.1.4. Description succincte
Tender for the design, construction, configuration, programming, installation (incl. cabling), testing and commissioning of a Platform SCADA system for the OSY Platform (MOG project). The Platform SCADA system,which will be (primarily) located offshore, will be used to control and monitor the utility systems (all non-highvoltage systems) on the OSY Platform (e.g. HVAC system, firefighting and detection system, diesel generator, etc.). Further included in the tender scope are an onshore duplicate Platform SCADA and the WEB interfaces with all utility vendors.
The final contracting entity may be:
(i) Elia Asset NV and/or Elia System Operator NV; and/or
(ii) Any company belonging to the Elia group; and/or
(iii) A new company that will be set up by 1 of the of the companies of the Elia Group.
More information, if selected, will be given in the Invitation to Tender (ITT). The selection procedure to qualify for
this tender is described in the PreQualification Questionnaire (PQQ).
II.1.6. Information sur les lots
Division en lots:   NON

II.2. Description

II.2.3. Lieu d'exécution
Code(s) NUTS:   BE
Lieu d'exécution principal:   Additional information on the MOG project via the following link: http://www.elia.be/~/media/files/Elia/PressReleases/2017/20170413_Elia-set-to-invest-in-an-electricity-plug-in-the-North-sea.pdf
II.2.4. Description
Tender for the design, construction, configuration, programming, installation (incl. cabling), testing and
commissioning of a Platform SCADA system for the OSY Platform (MOG project). The Platform SCADA system,
which will be (primarily) located offshore, will be used to control and monitor the utility systems (all non-high
voltage systems) on the OSY Platform (e.g. HVAC system, firefighting and detection system, diesel generator,
etc.). Further included in the tender scope are an onshore duplicate Platform SCADA and the WEB interfaces
with all utility vendors.
More information, if selected, will be given in the Invitation to Tender (ITT). The selection procedure to qualify for
this tender is described in the PreQualification Questionnaire (PQQ).
This tender is open for countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) and countries which have signed
and ratified a GPA agreement or a similar agreement/treaty with the EU.


III.1. Conditions de participation

III.1.1 Habilitation à exercer l'activité professionnelle, y compris exigences relatives à l'inscription au registre du commerce ou de la profession
Liste et description succincte des conditions:  
Conditions for participation are described in the PQQ (see VI.3)).

III.1.2 Capacité économique et financière

II.1.3 Capacité technique et professionnelle

III.1.5 Informations sur les marchés réservés
Le marché sera exécuté uniquement dans le cadre de programmes d'emplois protégés: OUI


IV.1.8 Information concernant l'Accord sur les Marchés Publics (AMP)
Le marché est couvert par AMP:   OUI

IV.2.2 Date limite de réception des manifestations d'intérêt   2017-08-21   13:00
IV.2.4 Langue(s) pouvant être utilisée(s) dans l'offre ou la demande de participation :  EN
IV.2.6 Délai minimal pendant lequel le soumissionnaire est tenu de maintenir son offre
Durée en mois:   3   (à compter de la date limite de réception des offres)


VI.3. Informations complémentaires
The applicant must request, complete and submit by the closing date (see IV.2.2) the PreQualificationQuestionnaire (PQQ) with the most actual available data together with all requested documents. The applicantmust request the access to the Ariba platform used for this prequalification phase by sending an e-mail tothibault.dessein@externel.be and dominique.vancraenendonck@elia.be (CC). Information to access the Aribaplatform will be provided by return of e-mail as soon as possible. Applicants are advised to request this accessas soon as possible. The information requested in the prequalification documents is extensive.
VI.4 Procédures de recours

VI.4.1 Instance chargée des procédures de recours
For suspension: the President of the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels / For annulment: the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels ,  BE - 1000   Brussels

VI.4.2 Organe chargé des procédures de médiation
For suspension: the President of the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels / For annulment: the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels ,  BE - 1000   Brussels

VI.4.3 Introduction de recours
Précisions concernant les délais d'introduction de recours
For suspension: the President of the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels / For annulment: the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels

VI.4.4 Service auprès duquel des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction de recours
For suspension: the President of the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels / For annulment: the Tribunal of Commerce of Brussels ,  BE - 1000   Brussels

VI.5 Date d'envoi du présent avis

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